RESIST! Color Version

You can download this image for free* by visiting here. Please feel free to share or use in protest.

*by downloading this image you are agreeing not to use it for monetary gain


I stand with those on the side of love, tolerance and respect.

Please feel free to download and use this image for fliers, posters, protest signs or social media*.

*By downloading this image you are agreeing not to use it for monetary gain

Washi Con 2017

Hey there citizens of Ypsilanti! I will be in your fine city once again, this time for Washi Con 2017. This will be my first time setting up shop at this fantastic looking gaming, anime and cosplay event and I'm looking forward to meeting new people! See you this Saturday at the EMU School of Business.

Get more info from the Washi Con 2017 Facebook page.


The Kill Taupe online shop is now part of Hurray! Everything in one place. Easy. You can find all the usual arty goodness under the NEW PRODUCTS header.